Gmail Checker plus Chrome extension XSS/CSRF II
extension: https://chrome.google.com/extensions/detail/gffjhibehnempbkeheiccaincokdjbfe
Exploit available:yes vendor notify: NO
So in this case "Google Mail Checker Plus" version 1.1.7 (2010-02-10)
has a flaw that allow attackers to make XSS style attacks.
All extensions runs over his origin and no have way to altered data
from extension
or get sensitive data like , email account or password etc..
if we look how many users have instaled this extension =>
303,711 users have instaled it (WoW)
Google Mail Checker Plus allows users to view wen they have a new mail and
view a preview of the mail ....
If a attacker compose a new mail with html or javascript code in mail
body & send it to victimīs the code is executed wen Victimīs click in the
extension to view a preview of mail.
So for exploit we need to compose a "special" mail
for example if we put directly in the mail body a iframe like
the extension shows this code in plain text and the alert isnīt executed...
them we need to use a Feature from gmail ( auto conver links in clicable urls)
them we can compose a email body with a http link like
or compose a mail link like :
in the two cases the alert is executed wen try to preview the email
with the extension :) it is executed in context location.href value is
Gmail is a safe place , but the extensions to manage it, can be a potential
vector to attack.
For example send a email With a logout acction in gmail in body
it closes the sesion on gmail , this is a CSRF.
So we have dispute it in
The developer has release a patch version in trunk for other issues
what i disclose before
see for references for previous vulns => OSVDB ID :65459 and OSVDB ID: 65460
previous patch =>
and see diff =>
I release it as 0-day and no notify to vendor because
in the previous issues , he patch the vulns and donīt
make any reference to it and stealing credits on discover
Them i release this new vulns without notify developer :)
Thnx for your time !!!
Lostmon (lostmon@gmail.com)
Web-Blog: http://lostmon.blogspot.com/
Google group: http://groups.google.com/group/lostmon (new)
La curiosidad es lo que hace mover la mente....