# Exploit Title: SQLi to CMS IneDuCom ================================================================ Websites designed or CMS provided by HYM is vulnerable to sqli. HYM is from 1998, they provide services in online tech and software.They provide CMS and Rankstinger ======================================================= # Author: s1ayer (s1ayer.icw@gmail.com) ============================================================ GREETZ: Lord Crusader,sai,sm4rt,b0nd,Hackuin,jappy,Mr.XXXX and all ICW, Andhrahackers member, and all Indians Out there. Website:www.andhrahackers.com ============================================================ # Software Link: http://www.ineducom.com/ ineducom is the service provider which deals with the designing , developing, and hosting of websites. # version : 2008 # Platform / Tested on: windows 7 / Linux # category:WebApps ========================================================== Dork:© 2008 + Powered by IneDuCom.com # Code : http://www.sitename.com/product-detail.php?id=[sqli] demo:http://www.msicebuphilhomes.com/property_detail.php?id=93 ============================================================= You can find the number of columns and penetrate further. ============================================================ Silence is not our weakness, its just we dont want to waste our time.......................................................... ITs my way of explanation JAI MATA DI