----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ECHO_ADV_113$2010] BSI Hotel Booking System Admin Login Bypass Vulnerability ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Author : K-159 Date : September, 22th 2010 Location : Jakarta, Indonesia Web : http://e-rdc.org/v1/news.php?readmore=165 Critical Lvl : Moderate Impact : Exposure of sensitive information Where : From Remote --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Affected application description: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Application : BSI Hotel Booking System URL : http://www.bestsoftinc.com/ Version : BSI Hotel Booking System 1.4 & BSI Advance Hotel Booking System 2.0 Description : BSI Hotel Booking System is a real time online hotel booking. BSI Hotel booking script is single hotel version. You can add unlimited room, room type & yearly booking schedule. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Vulnerability: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A vulnerability has been identified in "BSI Hotel Booking System", which could be exploited by attackers to bypass security restrictions into admin panel. The vulnerability is caused due to an error within the authentication process in admin panel login page, which could be exploited by a malicious attackers and login into "BSI Hotel Booking System" as an admin. Successful exploitations allows attacker to access into administrative functions without requiring knowledge of the password. An attackers while login as admin, may expose any sensitive information about the customers like : customer name, address, email, payment methods & details,etc. Poc/Exploit: ~~~~~~~~~ http://www.example.com/[path]/admin username : 'or''=' password : 'or''=' Solution: ~~~~~~~ Edit the source code to ensure that input is properly sanitized Timeline: ~~~~~~~~~ - 26 - 05 - 2010 bug found - 16 - 09 - 2010 vendor contacted and response - 22 - 09 - 2010 advisory release --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shoutz: ~~~~~ "Happy Anniversary 7th ECHO" --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contact: ~~~~~~ K-159 || echo|staff || adv[at]e-rdc[dot]org Homepage: http://www.e-rdc.org/ -------------------------------- [ EOF ] ----------------------------------