''' __ __ ____ _ _ ____ | \/ |/ __ \ /\ | | | | _ \ | \ / | | | | / \ | | | | |_) | | |\/| | | | |/ /\ \| | | | _ < | | | | |__| / ____ \ |__| | |_) | |_| |_|\____/_/ \_\____/|____/ http://www.exploit-db.com/moaub-18-cmsimple-xsrf-vulnerability/ ''' - Title : CMSimple XSRF Vulnerability - Affected Version :CMSimple <=3.2 - Vendor Site : www.cmsimple.org - Discovery : Abysssec - Description : =============== CMSimple is one of the smallest, smartest and most simple Content Management Systems under the GPL or AGPL licence. This CMS supported Multi language. - Vulnerability: ================== XSRFs -------- Several XSRF existed in this CMS, attacker can use them for: changing admin password ,change use type or ,Deface the website. Here is vulnerable code: file:cmsimple/adm.php[line 141-180]: if ($action == 'save') { if ($form == 'array') { $text = " $v1) { if (is_array($v1)) { foreach($v1 as $k2 => $v2) { if (!is_array($v2)) { initvar($k1.'_'.$k2); $GLOBALS[$a][$k1][$k2] = $GLOBALS[$k1.'_'.$k2]; $GLOBALS[$a][$k1][$k2] = stsl($GLOBALS[$a][$k1][$k2]); if ($k1.$k2 == 'editorbuttons')$text .= '$'.$a.'[\''.$k1.'\'][\''.$k2.'\']=\''.$GLOBALS[$a][$k1][$k2].'\';'; else $text .= '$'.$a.'[\''.$k1.'\'][\''.$k2.'\']="'.preg_replace("/\"/s", "", $GLOBALS[$a][$k1][$k2]).'";'."\n"; } } } } $text .= '?>'; } else $text = rmnl(stsl($text)); if ($fh = @fopen($pth['file'][$file], "w")) { fwrite($fh, $text); fclose($fh); if ($file == 'config' || $file == 'language') { if (!@include($pth['file'][$file]))e('cntopen', $file, $pth['file'][$file]); if ($file == 'config') { $pth['folder']['template'] = $pth['folder']['templates'].$cf['site']['template'].'/'; $pth['file']['template'] = $pth['folder']['template'].'template.htm'; $pth['file']['stylesheet'] = $pth['folder']['template'].'stylesheet.css'; $pth['folder']['menubuttons'] = $pth['folder']['template'].'menu/'; $pth['folder']['templateimages'] = $pth['folder']['template'].'images/'; if (!(preg_match('/\/[A-z]{2}\/[^\/]*/', sv('PHP_SELF')))) { $sl = $cf['language']['default']; $pth['file']['language'] = $pth['folder']['language'].$sl.'.php'; if (!@include($pth['file']['language']))die('Language file '.$pth['file']['language'].' missing'); } } } } else e('cntwriteto', $file, $pth['file'][$file]); } +POC: show this code as html page to CMS Admin: