1 [+]Exploit Title: pixelpost_v1.7.3 Multiple vulnerabilities 0 0 [+]Date: 15/09/2010 1 1 [+]Author: Sweet 0 0 [+]Contact : charif38@hotmail.fr 0 1 [+]Software Link: http://www.pixelpost.org/ 0 0 [+]Download: http://www.pixelpost.org/ 1 1 [+]Version: 1.7.3 0 0 [+]Tested on: WinXp sp3 1 1 [+]Risk :Hight 0 0 [+]Description : 0 0-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-1 ---=Stored Xss=--- admin login required in http://www.target.com/path/admin/index.php? the post variable "Image Title" and "tags" are vulnerable to a stored Xss attack pattern:>" ---=CSRF change admin password=---