1-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=1 3 3 3 _ __ __ ________ __ __ 3 7 /' \ /'__`\ /'__`\ /\_____ \ /\ \/\ \ 7 1 /\_, \/\_\L\ \ /\_\L\ \\/___//'/' \_\ \ \ \____ 1 3 \/_/\ \/_/_\_<_\/_/_\_<_ /' /' /'_` \ \ '__`\ 3 3 \ \ \/\ \L\ \ /\ \L\ \ /' /' /\ \L\ \ \ \L\ \ 3 7 \ \_\ \____/ \ \____//\_/ \ \___,_\ \_,__/ 7 1 \/_/\/___/ \/___/ \// \/__,_ /\/___/ 1 3 >> Exploit database separated by exploit 3 3 type (local, remote, DoS, etc.) 3 7 7 1 [+] Site : 1337db.com 1 3 [+] Support e-mail : submit[at]1337db.com 3 3 3 7 ########################################## 7 1 I'm R4dc0re 1337 Member from 1337 DataBase 1 3 ########################################## 3 3 3 7-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-==-=-=-7 #Author: R4dc0re # Exploit Title: Joomla Component com_classified SQL Injection Vulnerable # Date: 21-12-2010 # Vendor or Software Link: http://www.truworthit.com # Category:WebApp # Demo Link:http://demo.truworthit.com/classified-demo/ # Contact: R4dc0re@yahoo.fr # Website: www.1337db.com # Greetings to: R0073r(1337db.com), L0rd CrusAd3r,Sid3^effects and to rest of the 1337db members ################################################################################################### Submit Your Exploit at Submit@1337db.com ################################################################################################### [Product Details] SEO classifieds script is a professionally developed PHP classifieds script that helps you to generate income from your website. Our new improved classifieds solution is based on Joomla(1.5x) and gives complete solution for all kind of classified business need. [Vulnerability] SQL Injection: http://demo.truworthit.com/classified-demo/index.php?option=com_classified&view=ads&name=[Code] ###################################################################################################