# Exploit Title: [Persistent Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability In JAF-CMS ver 4.0_RC_2] # Google Dork: [Site engine powered by JAF-CMS] # Date: [9 January 2011] # Author: Akastep # Software Link: http://jaf-cms.sourceforge.net/ # Version: JAF-CMS ver 4.0_RC_2 (may be vuln exist in older versions too) # Tested on: FreeBSD 7.1-PRERELEASE ~~~ PHP Version 5.2.11 ~~ JAF-CMS ver 4.0_RC_2 #################################################################################### JAF CMS - ...just another flat file CMS, is a Content Management System (CMS) consist of a powerful set of PHP scripts that allow you to maintain personal home page in an easy way. There is no need for a database. The pages stored in a simple flat file. http://jaf-cms.sourceforge.net/ #################################################################################### Persistent Cross Site scripting Vulnerability exist in JAF-CMS ver 4.0_RC_2 (s) forum section: Attacker using this vulnerability can compromise site. He/She can deface site or can steal admin cookie credentials and then using stealed cookie + Minibrowser login to system as admin. :( Exploitation: Go to JAF-CMS Forum section: For example: ht*p:// Open new thread and just simply inject your evil javascript scenario fox ex: in body of will created topic and post the topic. So after this try to access that topic.XSS will occur. More dangerious fact in this vulnerability is that: If site admin was logined to his 'box' using: ht*p:// <=page and if he will try to access using => Administration panel=>Mod Manager =>Forum ( Topic manahement Section ) ht*p:// Cookies will be stealed automatically.) This means no need using hard Social Engeneering methods in this vulnerability. Print screen of successfull attack result can be found here: http://qovluq.biz/uploads/sh1.png /AkaStep 4:36 09.01.2011 WwW.AzHACk.CoM WwW.PiRaTes-CrEw.org WwW.AzDeFaCeRs.Org Azerbaycana Atesli Salamlarrrrrrr) #################################################################################### Allahu Akbar! ####################################################################################