# Exploit Title: [Skadate Persistent Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability] # Google Dork: [Powered by SkaDate dating] # Date: [2 January 2011] # Author: Akastep # Software Link: http://www.skadate.com # Version: SkaDate dating software # Tested on: nginx/0.7.62 (php version: PHP/5.2.14) ----- [ Exploit: Persistent Cross Site Scripting Vulnerability in Skadate] -------- Login to Skadate system: Go to forum section and open new topic: In header of topic just inject your code: For ex: Or for deface that forum section: For ex: Or Just use HTML Meta redirect: And Post the topic. Demo: http://www.skadate.com/demo/forum/forum.php?forum_id=9 Or: http://www.skadate.com/demo/forum/topic.php?topic_id=133 Defacement of skadate forum section: http://mirror-az.com/mirror/?id=8338 Second Vuln again Persistent XSS: Go to events and Create New Event And inject in header of will created event javascript sceanrio: Demo: http://www.skadate.com/demo/member/event.php?eventId=78 Also this vuln will affect anyone of who views your profile. Attacker who can expoit this vulnerability can deface site (using javascript or html meta redirect way) Or he/she can grab admin credentials (cookie session) and then using Minibrowser login to system as admin with stealed cookies. /Akastep wWw.Azhack.Com WwW.Pirates-CrEW.org wWw.AzDeFaCers.Org ############################################################################################# Allahu Akbar! #############################################################################################