Pixelpost 1.7.3 Multiple Persistent Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities
Vendor: Pixelpost.org
Product web page: http://www.pixelpost.org
Affected version: 1.7.3
Summary: Pixelpost is an open-source, standards-compliant, multi-lingual,
fully extensible photoblog application for the web. Anyone who has web-space
that meets the requirements can download and use Pixelpost for free!
Desc: Pixelpost is vulnerable to multiple cross-site scripting vulnerabilities,
stored and non-persistent (reflected). Attackers can exploit this weakness to
execute arbitrary HTML and script code in a user's browser session.
Tested on: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (EN)
Apache 2.2.14 (Win32)
PHP 5.3.1
MySQL 5.1.41
Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
liquidworm gmail com
Zero Science Lab - http://www.zeroscience.mk
Advisory ID: ZSL-2011-4991
Advisory URL: http://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2011-4991.php
Stored XSS:
GET variable: action="> (http://localhost/pixelpost_v1.7.3/admin/index.php)
POST variable: category="> (http://localhost/pixelpost_v1.7.3/admin/index.php)
Reflected XSS:
POST vars: selectfcat, selectftag, selectfmon, findfid, numimg_pp, category, id
GET var: page