__________.__ __ ___ ___ \______ \ | _____ ____ | | __ / | \ ____ | | _/ | \__ \ _/ ___\| |/ / ______ / ~ \/ ___\ | | \ |__/ __ \\ \___| < /_____/ \ Y / /_/ > |______ /____(____ /\___ >__|_ \ \___|_ /\___ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \//_____/ .ORG [+] Info================================================================= [-] Exploit Title: cPanel < 11.30.2 Multiple CSRF Vulnerabilities [-] Author: Net.Edit0r [-] Home : Black-HG.Org ~ h4ckcity.org [-] Version: 11.30.2 [-] Software Link: http://cpanel.net [-] Email : Black.hat.tm[at]Gmail[dot]Com / Net.Edit0r[at]att[dot]net [-] Date : 27/08/2011 [-] CVE : N/A [-] Vedio Demo : http://www.black-hg.org/Vedioz/cpanel.rar [-] Tnx2 : A.Cr0x & 3H34N & 4m!n & Cyrus & tHe.k!ll3r & Mr.XHat & Mikili [+] Exploit=============================================================== [-] Introduction : cPanel versions below and excluding 11.30.2 , are vulnerable to CSRF which leads to Change email address script of the attackers liking. If you have turned off security tokens and referrer security check, no matter what version you are using, you are vulnerable as well. Note: You can use this vulnerability to do intelligent [-] Remote Delete Database