======================================================================= AmpJuke Version 0.8.5 Apache mod_negotiation filename bruteforcing Vulnerability ======================================================================= 1-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=0 0 . .--. .--. .---. . 1 1 .'| ) ) / | 0 0 | --: --: / .-.| .-. . . 1 1 | ) ) / ( |( ) | | 0 0 '---' `--' `--' ' `-'`-`-'`-`--| 1 1 ; 0 0 Site : 1337day.com `-' 1 1 Support e-mail : submit[at]inj3ct0r.com 0 0 >> Exploit database separated by exploit 1 1 type (local, remote, DoS, etc.) 0 0-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=1 ####################################################### # Vendor: http://www.ampjuke.org/ # Date: 2011-07-27 # Author : indoushka +++=[ Dz Offenders Cr3w ]=+++ # KedAns-Dz * Caddy-Dz * Kalashinkov3 # Jago-dz * Kha&miX * T0xic * Ev!LsCr!pT_Dz # Contact : ind0ushka@hotmail.com # Tested on : win SP2 + SP3 Fr / Back | Track 5 fr ######################################################################## # Exploit By indoushka ------------- Vulnerability description : mod_negotiation is an Apache module responsible for selecting the document that best matches the clients capabilities, from one of several available documents. If the client provides an invalid Accept header, the server will respond with a 406 Not Acceptable error containing a pseudo directory listing. This behaviour can help an attacker to learn more about his target, for example, generate a list of base names, generate a list of interesting extensions, look for backup files and so on. This vulnerability affects Web Server. Discovered by: Scripting (Apache_mod_negotiation_Filename_Bruteforcing.script). The impact of this vulnerability Possible information disclosure: directory listing, filename bruteforcing, backup files. Attack details Pattern found: