vtiger CRM 5.2.1 Multiple Remote Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities
Vendor: vTiger
Product web page: http://www.vtiger.com
Affected version: 5.2.1
Summary: vtiger CRM is a free, full-featured, 100% Open Source CRM software
ideal for small and medium businesses, with low-cost product support available
to production users that need reliable support.
Desc: vtiger CRM suffers from a XSS vulnerability when parsing user input to
the '_operation' and 'search' parameters via GET method in '/modules/mobile/index.php'
script. Attackers can exploit this weakness to execute arbitrary HTML and script code
in a user's browser session.
Tested on: Microsoft Windows XP Professional SP3 (EN)
Apache/2.0.52 (Win32)
MySQL 5.0.51b-community-nt-log
Vulnerability discovered by Gjoko 'LiquidWorm' Krstic
Vendor status:
[28.07.2011] Vulnerabilities discovered.
[28.07.2011] Initial contact with the vendor.
[29.07.2011] Vendor replies asking more details.
[29.07.2011] Sent details to vendor.
[01.08.2011] Requested status update from vendor.
[02.08.2011] Vendor investigates and confirms issues.
[02.08.2011] Asked vendor for patch release date.
[04.08.2011] No reply from vendor.
[05.08.2011] Asked vendor to specify patch release date.
[05.08.2011] Vendor plans to release the 5.3.0 RC by the end of the month.
[21.08.2011] Asked vendor for specific patch release date.
[22.08.2011] Vendor replies promising official release by mid September.
[14.09.2011] Asked vendor for update.
[14.09.2011] Vendor replies extending official release date.
[26.10.2011] Coordinated public security advisory released.
Advisory ID: ZSL-2011-5052
Advisory URL: http://www.zeroscience.mk/en/vulnerabilities/ZSL-2011-5052.php
Vendor: http://wiki.vtiger.com/index.php/Vtiger530:Release_Notes
GHDB: http://www.exploit-db.com/ghdb/3737/
Dork: intitle:"vtiger CRM 5 - Commercial Open Source CRM"