# Exploit Title: Pirelli Discus DSL-DRGA112-07 Denial of Service # Date: 19/02/2012 # Author: Daniel Godoy # Author Mail: DanielGodoy[at]GobiernoFederal[dot]com # Author Web: www.delincuentedigital.com.ar # Hardware: Pirelli Discus DSL-DRGA112-07 # Tested on: Linux   [Comment] Greetz: Hernan Jais, Alfonso Cuevas, SPEED, Sensei, Incid3nt, Maximiliano Soler     Sunplace, Pablin77,_tty0, Login-Root,Knet,Kikito,Duraznit0, InyeXion, ksha, zerial,LinuxFer, Scorp, Jota Perez, Marco Mansilla     her0, r0dr1 y demas user de RemoteExecution     www.remoteexecution.info www.remoteexcution.com.ar     #RemoteExecution Hacking Group [PoC] In place phone number: ');">reboot() and then click save changes and restart the modem is out of service, in some versions of the hardware model is useless, others resolved by resetting the modem to factory settings. http://img96.imageshack.us/img96/7286/pantallazo2x.png A message will appear similar to that shown in the picture when we go to connect. if we press the router reboot message appears, we must press the button, and it is not safe to be reset on all models. ------------------------- Correo enviado por medio de MailMonstruo - www.mailmonstruo.com