[x] Wordpress Magn WP Drag and Drop Upload Shell Upload Vulnerability [x] Author: JingoBD [http://facebook.com/life.is.code] [x] Bangladesh Cyber Army [x] Download Link: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/magn-html5-drag-and-drop-media-uploader/ [x] Version : 0.9 (Last Version) [x] Tested On: Linux(Ubuntu) & Win7 32 -[Exploit]-: [*] Dork: No Dork For Kids. :p [*] Register vulnerable site. www.site.com/wp-register.php [N.B: If public registration disable This exploit is not work] [*] Confrim your email, then login. [*] Add a new post and Drag and Drop your shell[PHP SHELL] in Drag,Drop Box. It show Error. [*] Your shell: http://localhost/wp-content/plugins/magn-html5-drag-and-drop-media-uploader/temp/SHELL.php ================================================================= We Are: --| Bedu33n, N!1l Rex0Man, ManInDark, Escape X0ne(Eclipse ), Desert_Rose, 00xnull, 34GL3_3Y3, 5!L3NT @55@55!N, s1l3n7 BD, Rudr0 Akash, p5YcH0 d0d93r, Tr0oN |-- ================================================================= BANGLADESH CYBER ARMY http://facebook.com/BDCyberArmy