Kerweb/Kerwin XSS vulnerabilities Severity: Moderate Vendor: Schneider Electrics Versions Affected: Kerweb < 3.0.1 Kerwin < 6.0.1 Description: Input fields used for searching and displaying content are not filtered properly. Thus, the web application suffers from multiple reflected XSS vulnerabilities. Exploitation is made easier as parameters are passed with GET HTTP method. Example: An URL can be forged by injecting code in one of the parameter, like 'evtvariablename' here: http:///kw.dll?page=evts.xml&sessionid=xxx&nomenu=&typeevtwin=alms&dt=>variablevalue=<variablevalue=&variablevalue=&nevariablevalue=&evtclass=&evtdevicezone=&evtdevicecountry=&evtdeviceregion=&evtstatustype=&evtseveritytype=&evtstatus=&evtseverity=&evtlevel=>dateapp=<dateapp=>daterec=<daterec=&evtvariablename=""&evtdevicename=&evtnature=&evttype=>duration=<duration=>durationvalue=>durationwide=1<durationvalue=<durationwide=1 Vendor status: Vendor was contacted and a fix was released (with Kerweb 3.0.1 and Kerwin 6.0.1) Mitigation: Upgrade to Kerweb 3.0.1 and Kerwin 6.0.1 CVE: CVE-2012-1990 Timeline: 06/20/2011: vendor disclosure (ticket reference : KN10915) 07/22/2011: vendor response 09/01/2012: fix released 05/05/2012: public disclosure --- phocean