# Exploit Title: Topics viewer v 2.3 Multiple Vulnerabilities
# Software Link: http://nilehoster.com/default/topicsviewer
# Author: n4ss1m
# Date: 19-05-2012
# Tested on: win/linux
# Home : www.Sec4ever.com
# Local File Inclusion ( footer.php )
@include ("themes/$site_theme/templates/footer_head.html"); # <--
$site_theme without value
echo "
# PoC :
# Note : register_globals must be ON
# SQL injection ( search.php )
$q = strip_tags (trim(str_replace('"','',$_GET['q']))); # <----
variable $q equal $_GET['q']
if(isset ($q) && !empty ($q) && $q != " ")
$q = strip_tags(trim($_GET['q']));
$sql_s1 = "SELECT * FROM topics where t_title like '%$q%' OR t_desc
like '%$q%'"; # $q :)
$res_s1 = @mysql_query($sql_s1);
# PoC :
# magic_quotes_gpc must be OFF
# Blind SQL injection ( lost.php )
if(!empty($_POST[uname]) && !empty($_POST[reg_mail]) &&
!empty($_POST[to_mail]) && strstr($_POST[to_mail],".") &&
&& strstr($_POST[reg_mail],".") && strstr ($_POST[reg_mail],"@") ){
$s_pass = md5($_POST[s_pass]);
$sql_ver = "SELECT * FROM users where u_name = '$_POST[uname]' AND
u_email = '$_POST[reg_mail]'"; # <-- $_POST[uname] not secure we can
use it to inject mysql query
$res_ver = @mysql_query ($sql_ver);
$result_ver = @mysql_numrows($res_ver);
$user = @mysql_fetch_assoc($res_ver);
# PoC :
POST : uname=junk'[SQL
# magic_quotes_gpc must be OFF
# References : http://www.exploit4arab.com/exploits/69
# Vendor reported on : 19-05-2012
# published on : 27-05-2012