Title: ====== LAN Messenger v1.2.28 - Persistent Software Vulnerability Date: ===== 2012-05-16 References: =========== http://www.vulnerability-lab.com/get_content.php?id= VL-ID: ===== 541 Common Vulnerability Scoring System: ==================================== 7.5 Introduction: ============= LAN Messenger is a free and open source cross-platform instant messaging application for communication over a local network. It does not require a server. A number of useful features including event notifications, file transfer and message logging are provided. (Copy of the Website: http://lanmsngr.sourceforge.net ) Abstract: ========= The Vulnerability Laboratory Research Team discovered a persistent remote vulnerability in LAN Messenger v1.2.28. Report-Timeline: ================ 2012-05-16: Public or Non-Public Disclosure Status: ======== Published Exploitation-Technique: ======================= Remote Severity: ========= High Details: ======== A persistent software vulnerability is detected in in LAN Messenger v1.2.28. The bug is located in the profile display & nickname validation of the software. The vulnerability allows an attacker (remote) to implement own malicious script codes as profile. The code is getting executed when the attacker writes the victim a message. The vulnerable nickname input is getting executed as output of the messagebox when processing to write a message. Successful exploitation can lead in persistent hijacking, external malicious redirects, persistent script code execution to compromise the connected network client system. Vulnerable Module(s): [+] Username as seen by Contacts - Messagebox Display & Input Picture(s): ../1.png Proof of Concept: ================= The persistent profile vulnerability can be exploited by remote attackers with low required inter action. For demonstration or reproduce ... 1. Open LAN Messenger v1.2.28 click on the top menu > Tools 2. Switch to > Preferences > Account 3. Include to the Username as seen by Contacts your own persistent script code with char obfuscation trick 4. write the target system your message to exploit persistent via profile display nickname PoC: ">