# Exploit Title: MyBB Profile Blog plugin multiple vulnerabilities. # Google Dork: inurl:member.php intext:"Profile Blogs" for MyBB # Date: 12.9.2012 # Exploit Author: Zixem # Vendor Homepage: http://fklar.pl/ # Software Link: http://mods.mybb.com/view/profile-blogs # Version: 1.2+ # Tested on: Linux. MyBB Profile Blogs plugin suffers from SQL Injection && Stored XSS. The vulnerabilities exist withing profileblogs.php which located in /plugins/ folder. #################################### SQLi #################################### Instructions: 1. Create a new post in your profile blog. 2. Edit it. 3. Inject in edit GET parameter. Vulnerable part: input['edit']; /*Line 259*/ $db->query("UPDATE `".TABLE_PREFIX."blogposts` SET `subject` = '".$subject."', `message` = '".$message."' WHERE `pid` = '".$pid."'"); ?> How to exploit it: member.php?action=profile&uid=2&blogpage=1&edit=[VAILD_ID]'[SQLi] PoC: http://i.imgur.com/HY60R.png +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ #################################### Stored-XSS #################################### The post subject is stored in the database without XSS protection, like this: input['subject']); $db->query("INSERT INTO `".TABLE_PREFIX."blogposts` VALUES (NULL, '".$uid."', '".$dateline."', '".$subject."', '".$message."', '".$ipaddress."')"); ?> And also comes out without XSS protection: fetch_array($query)) { /*333*/ $blog .= "".$post['subject']."
"; ?> As a result, we're getting Stored-XSS. How to exploit that: http://i.imgur.com/OTIRa.png PoC: http://i.imgur.com/2Hv9J.png Follow: http://twitter.com/z1xem