Product: Nexpose Security Console Vendor: Rapid7 Version: < 5.5.3 Tested Version: 5.5.1 Vendor Notified Date: December 19, 2012 Release Date: January 2, 2013 Risk: Medium Authentication: Access to logs required. Remote: Yes Description: Due to a flaw in the way the Nexpose Security Console logs session data, it is possible to capture the session of a logged in user. This could be especially interesting when using a central logging system and system admin have access to logs but not the security console. In capturing a user’s session as shown in the proof-of-concept below, an attacker can gain access to the already logged in account. Once the attacker has this information, they can then hijack the established session and impersonate the owner in a variety of contexts. Exploit steps for proof-of-concept: 1. Nexpose admin logs in. 2. While monitoring auth.log, the “Registered session” value is captured. 3. A request to the security console is made and intercepted using a proxy. 4. ‘JSESSIONID=’ is replaced by ‘nexposeCCSessionID=;time-zone-offset=000. 5. Success. Vendor Notified: Yes Vendor Response: Quickly escalated and resolved. Vendor Update: Remediated in 5.5.4. Reference: CVE-2012-6494 Credit: Robert Gilbert HALOCK Security Labs