###################################################### # Exploit Title: wordpress plugin v3 level four storefront SQL injection Vulnerability # # Exploit Author: Ashiyane Digital Security Team # # Home : www.Ashiyane.org # # Vendor Homepage: www.clubhousenairn.co.uk # # Software Link: www.levelfourstorefront.com # # version:3 # # Tested on: Windows 7 # # Dork: inurl:"/wp-content/plugins/levelfourstorefront" & intext:Warning: mysql_query() # ================================= #Location:site//wp-content/plugins/levelfourstorefront/getsortmanufacturers.php?id=[SQL] # # #DEm0:http://www.550arts.com/wp-content/plugins/levelfourstorefront/getsortmanufacturers.php?id=1 # #Vulnerable code : in getsortmanufacturers.php ##################################### ====================================== * Greetz to: My Lord Allah * Sp Tnx To: Behrooz_Ice,Q7X,Ali_Eagle,Azazel,iman_taktaz,sha2ow,am118,PrinceofHacking,Alireza66,Amirh03in,B4b4K KH4TaR,sil3nt and all Ashiyane Security [ Researcher Team AND Deface Team ] * The Last One : My Self, tr0janman ******* ##########################