Hello list! Last year I've disclosed vulnerabilities in JW Player and in RokBox. Which were fixed by the developers - JW Player developers fixed one hole and promised to fix others later and RokBox fixed all holes (but it was questionable how they fixed holes related to JW Player). In December I've wrote about 47 RocketTheme's themes for WordPress (which contain RokBox). Besides their themes I've found in December similar vulnerabilities in multiple themes of other developers (including custom themes). Now I'll inform you about multiple vulnerabilities in Colormix theme for WordPress. These are Cross-Site Scripting, Content Spoofing and Full path disclosure vulnerabilities. ------------------------- Affected products: ------------------------- Affected all versions of Colormix theme for WordPress. Other themes of this developer can be vulnerable as well. ------------------------- Affected vendors: ------------------------- Wordpress Themes Park http://www.wordpressthemespark.com ---------- Details: ---------- XSS (WASC-08): http://site/wp-content/themes/colormix/js/rokbox/jwplayer/jwplayer.swf?abouttext=Player&aboutlink=data:text/html;base64,PHNjcmlwdD5hbGVydChkb2N1bWVudC5jb29raWUpPC9zY3JpcHQ%2B Content Spoofing (WASC-12): In parameter file there can be set as video, as audio files. Swf-file of JW Player accepts arbitrary addresses in parameters file and image, which allows to spoof content of flash - i.e. by setting addresses of video (audio) and/or image files from other site. http://site/wp-content/themes/colormix/js/rokbox/jwplayer/jwplayer.swf?file=1.flv&backcolor=0xFFFFFF&screencolor=0xFFFFFF http://site/wp-content/themes/colormix/js/rokbox/jwplayer/jwplayer.swf?file=1.flv&image=1.jpg Content Spoofing (WASC-12): Swf-file of JW Player accepts arbitrary addresses in parameter config, which allows to spoof content of flash - i.e. by setting address of config file from other site (parameters file and image in xml-file accept arbitrary addresses). For loading of config file from other site it needs to have crossdomain.xml. http://site/wp-content/themes/colormix/js/rokbox/jwplayer/jwplayer.swf?config=1.xml 1.xml 1.flv 1.jpg Content Spoofing (WASC-12): http://site/wp-content/themes/colormix/js/rokbox/jwplayer/jwplayer.swf?abouttext=Player&aboutlink=http://site Full path disclosure (WASC-13): There are FPD In folder http://site/wp-content/themes/colormix/ in index.php and many other php-files of theme. ------------ Timeline: ------------ 2012.05.29 - informed developers of JW Player. 2012.08.18 - informed developers about new holes in JW Player Pro. 2012.08.28 - informed developers of Rokbox. 2012.12.14 - disclosed at my site about Rokbox. 2012.12.23 - disclosed to the lists the first part of vulnerable themes by RocketTheme for WordPress. 2012.12.30 - disclosed to the lists the second part of vulnerable themes by RocketTheme for WordPress. 2013.04.18 - disclosed at my site about Colormix theme (http://websecurity.com.ua/6457/). Best wishes & regards, MustLive Administrator of Websecurity web site http://websecurity.com.ua