Title: Features 0.3.0 Ruby gem file injection vulnerability Date: 9/1/2013 Author: Larry W. Cashdollar @_larry0  Download: http://rubygems.org/gems/features Description: "Plaintext User Stories Parser supporting native programming languages. Especially Objective-C" Same vulnerability as http://vapid.dhs.org/advisories/show_in_browser.html By a malicious user creating /tmp/out.html first and repeatedly writing to it they can inject malicious html into the file right before it is about to be opened. PoC: nobody () sp0rk:/$ while (true); do echo "" >> /tmp/out.html; done Will pop up a java script alert in other gem users browser.  Code: +--------------------[./features-0.3.0/lib/suite.rb]-------------------+ html = parse_results(results).html %x(touch '/tmp/out.html' && echo '#{html}' > /tmp/out.html && open '/tmp/out.html' ) end def parse_results_and_open_in_safari(results) -- end def open_in_safari(html) %x(touch '/tmp/out.html' && echo '#{html}' > /tmp/out.html && open '/tmp/out.html' ) end Vendor: Not notified