[+]Exploit: Simple e-document v1.31 => Sql inj,Login Bypass,XSS,Insecure
Cookie Handling(privilege escalation),Arbitrary File Upload,
Second order injections, CSRF ,Insecure logout process
[+] Author: PuN!Sh3r
[+] Contact: http://anti-armenia.org
[+] version: Simple e-document v1.31
[+] Vendor Homepage: http://sourceforge.net/projects/simplee-doc/files/
Hi everyone.I want to talk about some vulnerabilities which i have found in
Simple e-document script's sources.It has a lot issues.
Let's go...
1.Sql Injection(multiple=>there is exist another bugs.you can find them
same tecniques).
$sql = "Insert into edocphp_users values('', '$username', '$r_password',
'$NOW_TIME', '$is_admin', '$is_s_admin')";
And $username, $r_password had not been sanitized.
main_out.php( Vulnerable from head to bottom of page :D )
main_in.php (It is also :D )
2. Bypass login:
write username : 'or 1=1 #
password : blank
And you will login successfull..
Vulnerable snip:
$username= stripslashes($_POST['username']);
$password= stripslashes($_POST['password']);
$sql = "SELECT * From edocphp_users WHERE username='$username' AND
password ='$r_password'";
3.Insecure cookie handling(Privilege escalation):
There is an issue with creating cookies after you login to system.
if you are simple user your cookie will be that username=Your username;
You can change cookie part: change access 1 to 3 for capturing super
administrative access.
$_COOKIE['username'] is not sanitized and you can change it to ,for
and boom :D XSS appears..
This vuln is also exist in header_out.php and admin.php :
Go to the View/Edit/Remove Users and after clicking update intrecept
request and type that:
5.Arbitrary File Upload
There is not any restriction in upload.php and you can upload your own
shell and enjoy :)
6.Second order injections
You can change all users' passwords in the database with this vuln(Also
Go to the View/Edit/Remove Users.
Change any of these pass to your own
After clicking update intrecept request with BurpSuite (or OwaspZap etc.)
and change this
new_password=&is_admin=3&username_s=admin&id='or 1=1#&op=Update_User
After this process all users' pass will be changed..
This script doesn't have any session,for this reason you can add new super
admin.I have written a simple payload for it:
Change current values with your own.
8.Insecure logout process.
You can force this proces to change its behaviour.For example,if you press
logout process,this post action happens :
op=logout&username= ANY USERNAME &Submit=Logout
you can change username value and make script to logout site for this user.
Respect to my all brothezz..
Anti-armenia team/ http://anti-armenia.org