Hi, I have discovered two vulnerabilities in ImpressCMS. These have been fixed in the new 1.3.6 version, which you can get at https://sourceforge.net/projects/impresscms/files/ImpressCMS%20Official%20Releases/ImpressCMS%201.3%20Branch/ImpressCMS%201.3.6/. One is an arbitrary file deletion and the other is two cross site scripting issues. Note that I was unable to exploit the XSS issues due to the inbuilt protection module, but someone smarter / with more time might be able to do it. The tickets containing the information are available here https://www.assembla.com/spaces/dW4voyNP0r4ldbeJe5cbLr/tickets?report%5Bestimate_show%5D=true&report%5Bid%5D=0&report%5Bmilestone_id_cond%5D=1&report%5Bmilestone_id_val%5D=4129593&report%5Btitle%5D=All+Tickets+for+%27ImpressCMS+1.3.6%27&report%5Btotal_estimate_show%5D=true&report%5Btotal_invested_hours_show%5D=true&report%5Bworking_hours_show%5D=true. The full report can be seen at my repo https://github.com/pedrib/PoC/blob/master/impresscms-1.3.5.txt Thanks in advance, and thanks to the ImpressCMS team for being so responsive. Regards, Pedro Ribeiro Agile Information Security -------- Proof of concept: ImpressCMS 1.3.5 vulnerabilities =================================== Discovered by Pedro Ribeiro (pedrib@gmail.com) of Agile Information Security ======================================== Vulnerability: Deletion of arbitrary files in the system File(line): /impresscms/htdocs/libraries/image-editor/image-edit.php(62) Code snippet: if (! is_null ( $op ) && $op == 'cancel') { $image_path = isset ( $_GET ['image_path'] ) ? $_GET ['image_path'] : null; if (file_exists ( $image_path )) { @unlink ( $image_path ); } Proof of concept:
======================================== Vulnerability: Cross site scripting (XSS) File(line): /impresscms/htdocs/misc.php(110) Code snippet: