InvisionPower cms Links to Titles utility Presistent XSS =========================================== #Author: UmPire #Version: 3.0 (Full details for version 3.1 patch is not mentioned. It's suspicious to affect all versions.) #Vendor URL: #Product URL: #Tested: Windows 7 ______________________________________________ IPB "Links to Title" mod converts links to the link's title. It converts "" to "Google" and the href= remains The problem is that it doesn't convert html tags to safe html characters. So if we use an html code in the title of the source page, it will be executed in the InvisionPower cms which "Links to Title" is installed on. ______________________________________________ #Product Detection: http://localhost:80/admin/applications/forums/sources/classes/linkTitlesFunctions.php ~ 200 OK #POC: Enter a link in invision power cms: http://localhost:80/test.html Contents of test.html: