#Vulnerability: Android Browser Same Origin Policy Bypass #Impact: High/Critical #Authors: Rafay Baloch #Company: RHAinfoSEC #Website: http://rhainfosec.com # http://rafayhackingarticles.net *Introduction* Same Origin Policy (SOP) is one of the most important security mechanisms that are applied in modern browsers, the basic idea behind the SOP is the javaScript from one origin should not be able to access the properties of a website on another origin. The origin is formed by the combination of Scheme, domain and port with the port being an exception to IE. There are some exceptions with SOP such the location property, objects wtih src attribute. However, the fundamental are that different origins should not be able to access the properties of one another. *SOP Bypass* A SOP bypass occurs when a sitea.com is some how able to access the properties of siteb.com such as cookies, location, response etc. Due to the nature of the issue and potential impact, this is very rarely found in modern browsers. However, they are found once in a while. The following writeup describes a SOP bypass vulnerability i found in my Qmobile Noir A20 with Android Browser 4.2.1, and later verified that Sony+Xperia+Tipo, Samsung galaxy, HTC Wildfire, Motrorolla etc are also affected. The following is a proof of concept: *Proof Of Concept * As you can see that the code tries accessing the document.domain property of a site loaded into an iframe. If you run the POC at attacker.com on any of the modern browsers, it would return a similar error as attacker.com should not be able to access the document.domain property of rhainfosec.com. Blocked a frame with origin "http://jsbin.com" from accessing a frame with origin "http://www.rhainfosec.com". Protocols, domains, and ports must match. 1. vagugebiweja:7 However, running it on any of the vulnerable smart phones default browsers would alert the document.domain property indicating that the SOP was not able to restrict the access to document.domain property of a site at a different origin. I created the following POC, so you can mess around with some stuff: *Reading the response* You can read the response of any page by accessing the document.body.innerHTML property. *Stealing the response and sending it to an attackers domain* In real world situation an attacker would send the response to his controlled domain. *Affected Versions* The test was carried out on android browser 4.2.1 and later verified with Galaxy S3, HTC wildfire, Sony Xperia. I haven't tested it on all the versions that are affected.