Product: X3 CMS 0.5.1 & Vendor: X3 CMS Vulnerable Version(s): 0.5.1 and Tested Version: Vendor Notification: 2 Nov , 2014 Vendor Patch: 7 Nov, 2014 Advisory Publication: 8 Nov, 2014 Public Disclosure: 8 November , 2014 Vulnerability Type: CSRF + Reflected Cross Site Scripting CVE Reference: Requested Risk Level: High Solution Status: Fixed by Vendor Discovered and Provided By: Narendra Bhati ( ) Patch - Upgrade to X3 CMS 0.5.2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Reported By - Narendra Bhati ( R00t Sh3ll) Security Analyst @ Suma Soft Pvt. Ltd. , Pune ( India )IT Risk & Security Management Services , Pune ( India) Facebook - twitter - Blog - Email - ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Advisory Details: Narendra Bhati discovered vulnerability in X3 CMS 0.5.2 , which can be exploited to perform Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks Along With CSRF Vulnerability -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1) Cross Site Request Forgery Protection (CSRF) There was a CSRF vulnerability in the form submission in most controllers used in the admin area. This could be an issue if administrator is logged in to his account ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2) Reflected Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) in MODX Revolution There was an XSS vulnerability in the search_controller used in the public and private areas. The exploitation example below uses the Vulnerable Parameter - "search" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Solution: Upgrade to Upgrade to X3 CMS 0.5.2 More Information: Public Advisory By Vendor :- Public Disclosure With Tecnical Details - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------