# Exploit Title:mobilis 3g mobiconnect 3G++ ZDServer Service Trusted Path Privilege Escalation # Date: 07/12/2014 #Author: Hadji Samir s-dz@hotmail.fr #Product web page: http://www.3G.dz/ http://www.mobilis.dz/ #Affected version: #Tested on: Windows 7 (FR) # Thanks Rachid Ben elkharchi mobilis 3g mobiconnect 3G++ 'ZDServ.exe' service for Windows. This could potentially allow an authorized but non-privileged local user to execute arbitrary code with elevated privileges on the system. A successful attempt would require the local user to be able to insert their code in the system root path undetected by the OS or other security applications where it could potentially be executed during application startup or reboot. If successful, the local user’s code would execute with the elevated privileges of the application. C:\Users\samir>sc qc ZDServ [SC] QueryServiceConfig réussite(s) SERVICE_NAME: ZDServ TYPE : 110 WIN32_OWN_PROCESS (interactive) START_TYPE : 2 AUTO_START ERROR_CONTROL : 1 NORMAL BINARY_PATH_NAME : "C:\ProgramData\ZDSupport\ZDServ\ZDServ.exe" LOAD_ORDER_GROUP : TAG : 0 DISPLAY_NAME : ZDServ DEPENDENCIES : SERVICE_START_NAME : LocalSystem C:\Program Files\Hostless Modem\MOBICONNECT\ZDServSetup\ZDServ.exe Tout le monde:(I)(F) AUTORITE NT\SystŠme:(I)(F) BUILTIN\Administrateurs:(I)(F) BUILTIN\Utilisateurs:(I)(RX) 1 fichiers correctement trait‚sÿ; ‚chec du traitement de 0 fichiers