=====[Alligator Security Team - Security Advisory]======== CVE-2015-1169 - CAS Server 3.5.2 allows remote attackers to bypass LDAP authentication via crafted wildcards. Reporter: José Tozo < juniorbsd () gmail com > =====[Table of Contents]================================== 1. Background 2. Detailed description 3. Other contexts & solutions 4. Timeline 5. References =====[1. Background]====================================== CAS is an authentication system originally created by Yale University to provide a trusted way for an application to authenticate a user. =====[2. Detailed description]============================ A valid username and password required. Given a username johndoe and a password superpass, you can sucessfully achieve login using wildcards: username: jo* password: superpass The login will be sucessfully only if the ldap bind search return one unique member. The vulnerability described in this document can be validated using the following example: Client Request: root@machine:/# curl -k -L -d "username=jo%2A&password=superpass" https://login.cas-server.com/v1/tickets (note that * was url encoded to %2A)