#Exploit title: Joomla Component GoogleSearch (CSE) 3.0.2 - XSS Vulnerability
#Author: Bet0
#Twitter: https://twitter.com/Bet0_Shinoda
#Website: www.mc-crew.or.id
#Google Dork: inurl:"index.php?option=com_googlesearch_cse"
#Date: 29 Agustus 2015
#Vendor Homepage: www.kksou.com
#Plugins Link: http://extensions.joomla.org/extensions/7023/details
#Tested on: Mozila Firefox 40.0 and Ubuntu 15.04
[+]Piye om Carane (PoC)
1. Go to Columns Search Input The malicious code ">
[+]Live Target
[+]Matur Suwun:
#Dek Cia :* kapan kita balikan maneh dek :'( kangen aku karo awakmu
#Ch0c01d, valcr00t, xr0b0tx, Don Tukulesto, rm -rf, vyc0d, Mr.Doel, Zen Rooney, nemesis, ArrchID *Gae Kabeh Ojo lali Ndang Rabi, moso kalah ambe mas blie :)) *
#All member NyongDIE, Malang Cyber Crew, Indonesian Coder, Sund4nyM0uz Corporation, Explore Crew, HN-Community